radionotes podcast episodes

Kylie Auldist vocals have been mostly heard on the KUNGS vs Cookin’ on 3 Burners’ number This Girl. From their work with The Bamboos to extensive Solo releases there is so much more to the woman who’s vocals soar throughout the hit song… that has had near to one trillion plays. On 28th June 2018, radionotes caught up with the singer for quick chat – including reflecting on touring across the world on back of This Girl and how it delayed surfing on the Coast, to family behind the artist that released the acclaimed Family Tree album.

To listen, click the green ‘play’ triangle… [note: may take few seconds to load] 

(Transcript of Kylie Auldist chat below, check to delivery in audio)

In Future, hope to have a longer conversation as there is so much more to their musical career – that has seen them feature on film as part of Her Sound Her Story and on the small screen thanks to RocKwiz. Extensively taking to numerous stages and supporting as well as singing along massive acts. There is also notably the new record from The Bamboos they’re sure to shine on through the work of Lance Ferguson and Co.

As a jazz broadcaster back in the day, had the great pleasure of playing cuts off Auldist’s Thru-Thought releases and also more recently their first solo album out on Freestyle ‘Family Tree’ (2016). While they’re powerhouse on record that is even more so LIVE and if get a chance to see is a treat, both in the way they command the stage and obvious respect for the artists they play with.

IMAGE CREDIT: Instagram – @KylieAudlist Holding a 10 year copy of The Bamboos present… Kylie Auldist ‘Just Say’, October 2018

SHOW NOTES: Kylie Auldist episode

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FEATURE GUEST: Kylie Auldist

…that’s not even going to the petrol station (on counting where tune heard).

Up Coming for The Bamboos, Auldist part of:

Next episode: The Palace Hotel

  • radionotes goes inside the colourful hotel made famous by the film Priscilla, Queen of The Desert to speak with those charged to keep its insides fresh and glamorous.

More details on playpodcast here, thanks to Matt from them.

[Radio Production – notes: Auldist takes whole episode and would suggest a snippet of the KUNGS version then full play of a Kylie Auldist tune]


Theme/Music: Martin Kennedy and All India Radio   

Web-design/tech: Steve Davis

Voice: Tammy Weller  

You can make direct contact with the podcast – on the Contact Page


For direct quotes check to audio, first version of transcript by Kay G at REV

John Murch: Kylie. Welcome to radionotes.

Kylie Auldist: Thank you, John. Hello.

John Murch: This is a podcast. This is a chat. This isn’t radio. This is laid back.

Kylie Auldist: It’s very modern.

John Murch: A chance to ask musicians about life and people in life about music. You would be a musician, so we’ll have a chat about life.

Kylie Auldist: Oh, well that’s a great idea. Actually, I’m a singer. I guess that music is within me, but I cannot read music, and I cannot write music, and I can’t play an instrument except for my voice.

John Murch: I was about to say, I’ll contradict you by saying your voice is a gorgeous instrument-

Kylie Auldist: Thank you.

John Murch: … which you use oh so well. People may know you from various incarnations. Family Tree was your solo album, done a lot of collaborations over the years as well. Let’s start though, we’re in your neighborhood.

Kylie Auldist: Across the road from Westbury Primary where none of my children went to school, but this here is part of a circuit called Walking the Golf Course. And it’s a four kilometre path that everyone in Glenroy runs around, walks around, and all of a sudden has become this trendy restaurant here. One day I came here for lunch with my husband and the guy behind the bar was like, “Are you that girl from The Bamboos?” He got really nervous and he got the bill wrong.

John Murch: Well, let’s talk about The Bamboos. You’ve mentioned them and that’s a good chance to do. So Lance Ferguson, the new record, where are we at with that?

Kylie Auldist: Everyday I look on on the Internet and I find something new has happened because I love The Bamboos because it’s like a day job of music, so I don’t run The Bamboos. The Bamboos is very, very well oiled machine that’s run by Lance Ferguson and his management. So I get to be a an employee as such. Well, I’m part of the band because obviously Lance has very kindly asked me to help to write and collaborate on tracks and all of that stuff.

Kylie Auldist: So the new album that’s coming out I’ve collaborated on, which I’m excited about, the single Lit Up is already out and there’s a video for that.

John Murch: What is the Kylie and Lance connection? When did that happen?

Kylie Auldist: Okay. That happened a long time ago. I’ve got a tee shirt still from a band called Polyester, and it was a 10-piece band formed by Simon Gray, who is Lance’s wife’s cousin. And we played together at the Evelyn every Monday night for two years about 10, 15 years ago. I missed out on watching all of the Monday night TV shows, which was kind of important. It’s a thing, isn’t it?

John Murch: Yeah.

Kylie Auldist: When you’re going to play Trivial Pursuit and you don’t know any of the answers to questions about Northern Exposure, you know. So we played every night there and we sort of cut our teeth on the Fitzroy scene. Before that, Lance had seen me playing in bands at the Rochester Castle, Curtis Lee, and we’d sort of met. So when we got to be in a band together, it started there and moved forward years and years to 2016. I sang at Meredith with The Bamboos, and they asked me to come and sing three songs.

Kylie Auldist: I got there at 1:00 in the morning having just done a gig in Melbourne and I couldn’t believe it. It was like, “Ah, an instrumental band playing in the middle of the night. Okay, this is interesting.” And people were actually getting out of their tents to come and watch them because they was so fun and they were so funky. Then, I sang three songs and they said, “Would you like to come on tour with us?” So I did.

John Murch: What is the professional chemistry between yourself and The Bamboos?

Kylie Auldist: Well, we were talking about that the other day. We were lucky enough to support Robbie Williams all around Australia, and we were just sitting around and we were having beers at the end of the tour and just going … We were looking around the table and saying like, John Castle, Uri, myself, Ross, Erwin, Lance, we’ve been together for over 10 years. Those boys have been playing for 15 years. I’ve been in the band for 10 years, but we’ve all been in bands in the same sphere for this long time.

Kylie Auldist: And we’re going, that’s amazing because the music industry is very fickle and it goes around and smashes people in and out and often around. We just sort of realised that we all have the same sort of work ethic, I guess and the same sort of … I don’t know. Yeah. It’s got to be that. It’s got to be like understanding or also personal values in a lot of way, but we like each other, but we all work very hard.

John Murch: Lance, know him quite well.

Kylie Auldist: He’s amazing. Yeah.

John Murch: But John Castle as well…

Kylie Auldist: John is one of the most talented people I’ve ever met.

John Murch: He’s produced an entire album called…

Kylie Auldist: He can do anything. He’s so clever, and he’s so unassuming, and he can play any instrument. He’s got magic ears.

John Murch: What inspired you to take up the voice? We’re going to call the voice instrument.

Kylie Auldist: Well, it was not my choice. It was a gift given to me, as my grandmother said, and I should share it. And some people have laughed at me and said, “You did nothing to get this gift. You just were given it and then you just treat it like rubbish,” which is quite true because I go out and drink beer and I talk too much and I stay up late. And it’s not really how you’re supposed to act as a singer, but I have seen lots of opera singers smoking. So there. I don’t smoke.

John Murch: What do you do to keep the voice in the shape that it is?

Kylie Auldist: Well I sleep. I’m a very, very good sleeper. Sleeping. I could do for Australia, lots of water. Obviously, you must have it hydrated. It’s all that listening. You listen to yourself and I enjoy listening to singers. I enjoy listening. I don’t say I much enjoy listening back to myself, but when I do sometimes I’m surprised that it’s quite good. Yeah.

John Murch: And how do you approach the live performance, the stage, that presence? Is there an element of nerves or-

Kylie Auldist: So nerve racking for me, John.

John Murch: Really?

Kylie Auldist: So nerve racking. I’m naturally a shy person. I went out with my husband last night to see a band, but I struggled because I’m like, “I hate going out.” Really, it’s weird. But everyone goes, “Oh, you’re so good at,” but I just put on a front and I just go for it. So onstage, what I love is I’m in this amazing band … or in two bands, my own band and The Bamboos, where the music just envelops me. I used to wish that I could stand behind a shower curtain.

Kylie Auldist: Like I get it with Sia. I totally understand how she feels because everybody starts going, “Oh, look at your dress. Oh, look at your face. Oh, look at this. Oh, look at that.” It’s like, “I’m trying to give you a gift of music. Why are you being rude? Please don’t think about those other things or look at stuff. It’s not about those other things. It’s about me transferring music to you and me enjoying the music and you.”

Kylie Auldist: And so when I enjoy myself, other people can enjoy themselves, I think. I think it’s kind of a catching thing. It’s kind of like, as Ben Lee said, it’s a disease. It really is. And I think, yeah, it’s a gift and I do try to share it. So I try to get over my nerves and just enjoy the music and be in it.

John Murch: I want to talk about these overseas experiences that you’ve had from your own band through to The Bamboos. What’s been a rewarding experience that you’ve had overseas because travel does broaden the mind?

Kylie Auldist: The fact that I’ve had amazing conversations with people that I don’t even speak their language and they don’t speak mine, but we get each other. And as my brother said, “At the end of the night, it doesn’t matter where you are, you want to be in the band. At the end of the night, everybody wants to hang with you because they’ve seen the music. They’re like, ‘Oh my God, you were the singer.’ And so everybody invites you to the parties and then wants to be your friend.”

Kylie Auldist: Just the fact that even though we’re singing in a different language … I mean, we’ve been to like 10, 15 countries and the rooms are packed with people that can speak our language and we can’t speak their language, but they’re getting down to the songs and singing the words. It’s like, how cool is that?

John Murch: Food is quite a creative engagement for you. It’s a sharing. It’s a sharing experience.

Kylie Auldist: Yeah. Very much. As my mother told me, and I know that for myself now, food is love. That’s how we show love. And that’s how I show it to my children because a lot of the times when somebody was saying to me, “Oh, you should make your sons cook their own breakfast and do this and that.” And I said, “Well look, I go out at night because I sing. And so there’s a lot of times when I’m not home and I want to make sure that I see my children and the main time that I see them is before they go to school and work. And so then, I want to cook their breakfast and I want to see them and I want to have that chat. When I used to drive my son to school, we’d have that time in the car that there was just me and him so we could talk, or when we used to ride our bikes to school, that was just me and him.”

Kylie Auldist: ANd cooking for my friends and family is so important to me. I love that. That’s my favorite thing. And when I get home from a tour, I would just invite my best friends over and I’ll make stock for hours. And then, I’ll make soup and everyone has to sit at the bench and watch me.

John Murch: Which genre, if any, do you feel most at home with?

Kylie Auldist: I think the funk and soul genre, obviously, although I’ve started doing electric stuff at the moment. But that’s, still, when you go back to it, that’s based in funk because it’s always about the base and the rhythm. I know all the jazz dudes because I’ve played with all of them. Because, basically, what you need to understand is that the jazz dudes are the ones that are really good at playing the instruments and they can play anything.

Kylie Auldist: And Melbourne is very much a jazz city, I guess. And even though I’ve never sung jazz, it’s because I’m scared too and I don’t want to be laughed at, and because I don’t know how to do my timing very well. I can’t play that game. So I just have to play the game that I love and that I can do. It’s like, I’ve never played an instrument because … I sort of tool around at home with myself, but I wouldn’t let anyone hear me because I only hang out with the best players. I’m so lucky that I get to play with the best players and so I would never let them see how crappy I am.

John Murch: So you have a number of releases. What’s that process between records? Because, I want the insight for artists that are trying develop a body of work, whether or not they should rush it. Obviously, they shouldn’t in my view, but I don’t know much, into one release or do you need a plan over a number of releases?

Kylie Auldist: This is the conversation we have every time. I mean, from the last album, we’ve been saying, “Should we just really singles? Single, single, singles.” But then the record label says, “Well, we’re not going to release any singles unless we’ve got it all in a bag already going, here’s one, here’s one, here’s one.” And so they want to hold the bag basically, so I can’t hold the bag.

Kylie Auldist: For me, every album seems to have become a three year wait in which time I say to myself, “Oh, I can never do it.” You know, like the guy from Sesame Street, “I’ll never get it.” And then I threatened to give up music and then I think, “Oh no, I can’t do without it.” Then I go again.

John Murch: What I get, that scrabble bag as I called it, you were suggesting that, yeah, you give them all the tiles with all the letters of songs in this space-

Kylie Auldist: Yeah.

John Murch: … and then they decide what to pick out to make the words of the album-

Kylie Auldist: Yep.

John Murch: … instead of you doing it. By the time those songs get out, you’re very much onto the next record, aren’t you?

Kylie Auldist: Well, for me, it’s, as I said, it seems to have been three years wait between each one. And so for me, I get the album then I work it for a year. So basically I’ll tour it, then I sing it to death until I’m sick of it. But so, since the last Family Tree album, we’ve done that, but we’ve been writing. With a new band, so I’m writing new songs as we go. There’s two songs added to the set now and there’s like … We’ve got about five songs ready to go.

Kylie Auldist: So we’ve just decided now we’re going to write a new album and it’s going to … we’re going to try and have it ready for January. I like to have a plan and if I don’t … If I have an open ended plan where, “Oh yeah, we’ll just keep writing songs and eventually we’ll have an album.” It could be 10 years. So I am that person that needs to be poked with a sharp stick and going, “Kylie, you’ve got to do this now.”

Kylie Auldist: So that’s good for me. And I’ve got a great guy working with me now called Warren Hunter and he does everything in the band. He plays the bass and he runs tracks, computers. It’s called production. I don’t know what it’s called. I said to Lance, “Get me some kids with computers,” but Warren has turned up and he’s doing everything. And he’s also one of those people they call a busy person. Give a busy person something to do and they’ll do it. So, yeah, he is extremely helpful in that way and he’s pushing me and we get along really well and we write well together. So I think, yeah, we’ve written some great songs and I’m excited about that.

John Murch: Those songs that you’ve written, you’re not afraid to go personal in your songwriting?

Kylie Auldist: No, but I am. I am not afraid. I can’t help it, but I have to hide it because I have a mother and I have a husband and children and you can’t … I really am impressed by people that are brave enough to write whatever they want out loud and just not even care because you can’t take that back.

John Murch: There is a boundary line there for you then?

Kylie Auldist: Definitely. I would love to be free but then, I think if you’re going to be free, that means you are going to offend somebody that you love and I can’t do that. I mean, my family doesn’t want to be involved in any of that sort of stuff. They don’t want people to know about them and that’s fair enough.

John Murch: Is the way the album is recorded, as we said, the singles take a while and then performing it live, how you feel at the end of that tour having those songs around for the length of time?

Kylie Auldist: Yeah, well it’s good. I think I managed to get one song through, but I just found out … one of my cousins just found out. So yeah, there was a lot of stuff. Obviously, family is the thing that pushes your buttons. Family is the thing that annoys you and angers you that you love so much that you could kill them. They’re the only reason you could write songs is for the things like that. I’m not just going to write stuff about, oh, then I made the bed and-

John Murch: What’s your proudest moment as a mother talking about family?

Kylie Auldist: I am proud of that my son, Reggie, is a beautiful drummer and singer. I mean, I was stressed and worried about it because I was thinking, how are you gonna support yourself? But I think, as a mother, I am learning to come through and stop stressing and stop worrying and learning to embrace who he is, which is a really hard thing for parents to do.

Kylie Auldist: I think I found it hard for my parents to do that. They wanted me to be safe and secure. So they wanted me to have a safe and proper job and not do music. They wanted me to have … which I do have a … And like I said to my son, “I have a husband. He supports me. You don’t have a husband. Unless you get a good wife or a good husband, you can’t … You need the breadwinner in the family. Music is … it falls through your finger.

Kylie Auldist: I only know like four drummers who’ve bought a house, so we all don’t want to live on the street. That’s fair enough. And as a mother you can’t help but struggle with that.

John Murch: So where did you learn that lesson? Where do those life lessons come from?

Kylie Auldist: You learn every day. Every day’s a new day and every day you think to yourself, I just want my son to be happy, and so whatever makes him happy is, I guess … as long as it’s something that’s not just a fleeting kind of, oh, today I might buy a fairy floss machine and do that forever. That’s going to be my career. But I see him trying to get gigs. I see him doing gigs. I see him getting better and better. I see him writing and recording and learning and becoming better, and I’m just like, “Okay, you really are serious about this. I get it. So I’m going to support you in any way that I can.”

John Murch: Was there a little bit of finally on this? Was there a little bit hesitation.

Kylie Auldist: There was huge hesitation. I said, “Are you insane?” And I was angry and he was like, “Well, you tried that?” And I was like, “I’ve got a husband,” but I said to him, “Well, if you want to do this, then you better look at Lance Ferguson because he does not muck around. He gets up every morning and he works until dark and he does it seriously. This is what he thinks about and this is what he does. It’s not a joke. If you want to do this, you have to take it seriously because everyone else is going to beat you. You know it’s a competitive world and you have to be strong and you have to be unoffended all the time. It’s really hard.”

John Murch: It’s an ever changing world as well. What surprised you the most about the world we’re in now compared to when you were Reggie’s age?

Kylie Auldist: Well, I guess that there’s just so much of it. And I loved Tina Arena saying, “We’ll decide when to give up.” Because, for me, I’m an older woman and a lot of times I think, “That’s enough. Come on, what are you doing? Just stop it.” But, but this is what I chose and this is what I put all my eggs into this basket.

John Murch: In conversation with, Kylie Auldist. She’s an outstanding singer, songwriter, performer, collaborator. As I was mentioning to Brian Peel on North West FM this morning, her voice has been heard on YouTube alone, one clip alone, 302 million times.

Kylie Auldist: How bizarre is that?

John Murch: 302 million.

Kylie Auldist: You know I used to say, “Nobody ever listens to my voice,” and now you can’t escape it. Ha, ha, ha.

John Murch: That’s not even Spotify. That’s just YouTube.

Kylie Auldist: That’s not even going to the petrol station, people, and the supermarket, and the taxi, and the laundromat. People are sending me messages all the time from all around the world going, “Oh, I heard you.”

John Murch: Yeah, it doesn’t even include radio play. What’s the vision for the next 10 years for Kylie Auldist because you’re, in many ways, in such a wonderful place now. Where’s that next decade? What’s your plan for the next decade if you have one?

Kylie Auldist: I guess I do have to have a plan. Immediate plans are to write more music that I enjoy and put it out, try to get somebody to sell it from me, try to get people to listen to it. Other than that, I think my husband really wants to move to the coast and surf. He wants me to stop doing music, but I mean I’ve got friends that have moved away and moved to the coast and they still do music. They record. And as I said, you can do anything from a studio.

John Murch: Yeah. But can you surf is the question?

Kylie Auldist: I cannot surf.

John Murch: Really?

Kylie Auldist: No. So I was like, do you want me as an audience or … I mean, I haven’t tried hard enough I suppose. And I don’t think as I get older, I’ll be even better at surfing, so.

John Murch: Okay. So the next 10 years has no surfing in it?

Kylie Auldist: Not for me but maybe for my husband. I wouldn’t mind just … I don’t know. I was thinking maybe do some music, maybe travel around, do some touring. Yeah, music just opens up things for you. Although it means I go on holidays without my family, which is a weird one. We thought about going to England and maybe staying there for a year or so and trying to be in that crew, but I’m such a home body. I love my house. I love being home. Maybe I’ll just buy another house down the coast and go back and forth.

Kylie Auldist: My 13 year old is just starting high school. So the next 10 years will be dedicated to him getting through high school. Yeah, that’s my focus I suppose for the next 10 years and enjoying music and being part of The Bamboos, which just seems to keep going on and on, which is fantastic. I love it. I mean, so this new album with The Bamboos is about to go out this year and then we’ll go overseas and tour.

John Murch: That sense of community is very strong with you, I think. How have you been enhancing that over the years?

Kylie Auldist: Well, I’ve joined things like women of soul. I’ve done backing vocals for Emma Donovan. I try to make sure I go and see a lot of the young kids sing. I’m particularly interested in, obviously, seeing women singers, but I have a good band and if I can get to go out a little bit and see event, I really do enjoy that. So I guess I’m going to try and put that on my to do list.

John Murch: You mentioned a lot during our chat, without being prompted, about the hubby. Who is he in your life apart from everything of course, but who is he? What does he do for you as a musician, as an artist?

Kylie Auldist: Yeah. Well my husband is very supportive and he allows me to be this musician. He’s always allowed me to be this musician mother who goes out and we’ll work it around … because he’s a shift worker as well. He works on the docks. He’s a wharfie and so we work our crazy life around me being able to do what I do, which is music. And I know a lot of other women in my life that I’ve met, that have not been allowed to do that. Their husbands have not been supportive in that way.

Kylie Auldist: Yeah. So he gets it. That that’s what I do and that’s what I need to do. And he always said that he would support me in that way. And he has, but he seems to be getting a little bit edgy lately that soon as This Girl happened and he was like, “Mmhmph so we’re not moving to the coast then?”

John Murch: But is he also a sounding board for the songs?

Kylie Auldist: No, I-

John Murch: Who-

Kylie Auldist: … write about him. I mean I haven’t. The last album, I didn’t and he wa s like, “Oh, where’s the songs?” Well, I did a little bit. Actually, that’s wrong. I did, but he was like, “Well, where’s all the songs about me?” And I’m like, “Oh my God, I’ve written albums about you. That’s enough. Where’s my songs about me?”

John Murch: So who’s the sounding board for the solo material?

Kylie Auldist: Well, mostly I guess, whoever I write with. My mentors, which is Lance Ferguson, which is Warren Hunter. Realistically, it’s myself and what I’m not embarrassed to say in public. I’m a wordsmith and I love words. I’ve always loved reading and I always just like I’m say the words out loud and my dad was like, “Can’t you read without moving your lips?” I’m like, “Yes, I can, but I like the form of them. I like the sound of … I love words.

John Murch: It’s most likely how they were written in the first place. It’s just, yeah, make him come alive again, which is a great time to ask you the question, which was coming up later, which is – What is Kylie Auldist currently reading?

Kylie Auldist: Oh, I’m reading Truth by Peter Temple. It’s moving pretty fast. It’s a bit hard to understand. You know Peter Temple, he wrote the Jack Irish series, and I just found it in a secondhand bookshop in Northcote. I usually read books that my mother has given me from her book club. But this one, I just thought, “Oh, he’s an Australian writer. I’ll definitely like that,” and it’s based in Melbourne. It’s based in Broadmeadows even, so that’s great. It’s around here. It’s a police book. It’s really like, yeah, being in the here and now, I really like it. I love Australian movies. I Love Australian writers. Whenever you start reading a book, if it’s annoying and boring, then I’m not going to waste my life. I’ll give it two chapters and then I’m not wasting anymore time.

John Murch: Where are these songs being written? Where do you sit down to write if you do sit down and write?

Kylie Auldist: Mostly on my couch with a pencil and paper. I’ve just recently made myself an office space, which was nice. Yeah, I know. It took me-

John Murch: You’re growing up.

Kylie Auldist: It took me a long time and now every time-

John Murch: Well, next you’ll have a home studio.

Kylie Auldist: I Know Right. And I’ve got a friend that makes them and my husband was helping him to build them at one stage.

John Murch: Home studios? Yeah.

Kylie Auldist: Makes home studios. But I made this beautiful office space and then every time I try to go in there, someone’s in there. It’s just so good. There’s all this space and the pens are in the right place. Recently, I’ve been writing with Warren Hunter and it’s good if you’ve got a place that’s got speakers that you can listen back to your stuff and you can record melodies. So before that, I would write with Lance Ferguson in his home studio because I love to be able to sing stupid stuff and then hear it back and go, “Oh, how embarrassing.”

Kylie Auldist: So I need to start with a melody. And so then I’ll get that melody going. And then when I’ve got a format for the melody, then I’ll … It’ll just speak to me about something and then I’ll find that word and then it’s fits like a jigsaw puzzle, and then it flows. Music informs the melody first. So that starts it. But then after I get that in my … I listen to it. I go walking around there, out the front here.

Kylie Auldist: I’ll walk around there listening, listening, listening til it gets in my head like a pattern. And then the pattern just sort of goes off on its own. And then, you know how it just goes off in your mind and when you’re doing the dishes or when you’re just having lunch, it goes, “Oh yeah, that’s what it sounds like.” And then I get the pencil and paper out and then I write. If I’m trying to find three syllables, I’ll just write out what I want to say in those three syllables until I hone it down to the best words that make that picture.

John Murch: With success sometimes comes ego and that’s not in your vocab is it? Did you get a sense of ego when you became big?

Kylie Auldist: No. Well, you know what I did feel, now I’m going to have to behave myself in front of kids because I got to sing … It was a weird thing. I got to go to England and sing that song at nightclubs.

John Murch: Oh, yeah. That’s right.

Kylie Auldist: That’s still happening. I’m still doing that a lot.

John Murch: So this song, which has been done by nine-teen

Kylie Auldist: This Girl.

John Murch: Yeah, 19 year old French producer. You were being flown over to basically sing to a track.

Kylie Auldist: Yes. And not even with him. In night clubs in England, this agent called me and they said “We’ve got work for you.” I went over there with a stick basically and sang in nightclubs.

John Murch: You don’t mind talking about this?

Kylie Auldist: I don’t mind at all. It’s a bizarre thing that happened to me. I thought I was really lucky to go overseas with The Bamboo’s, which I was because I’d never been to England. And then I got a record deal and then all of a sudden when I just think it’s all wrapping up and it’s all time to go and the song that was nine years ago becomes famous and everybody wants to listen to it. And it’s like little kids being read a story, they want to hear it again again, again. So I would go and sing it three times to a nightclub full of a thousand kids. Amazing.

John Murch: So this happened nine years ago. It was-

Kylie Auldist: A song called This Girl written by Lance Ferguson and Cookin’ on 3 Burners.

John Murch: That’s right.

Kylie Auldist: Yeah. And then all of a sudden-

John Murch: Nine years later-

Kylie Auldist: Yeah, it was remixed by Kungs who was a protege of David Guetta and he’s a young boy. He’s a French DJ and it went global and number one all over the world. And then all of a sudden, I have to go and sing it in nightclubs and everyone wants selfies with me and-

John Murch: Three times in one night.

Kylie Auldist: Exactly. Like when you read a kid a bedtime story. They’re like, “Again, again, again, again.” And so now it’s like, myself, who is a mother to a 13 year old and two 23 year old is out in nightclubs and singing this song to these kids who want to have selfies with me and I’ve got my own security teams and this, that and the other. It’s just bizarre.

John Murch: And writers, of course.

Kylie Auldist: Yeah. Oh yeah, they had to give me the poshest of champagne and I had to sit there and drink it. I tried to dance on the dance floor one time and they put a rope around me. It was hilarious.

John Murch: I adore the fact because they said the kids are sort of like either side of the guy who produced it in age.

Kylie Auldist: Yeah, yeah. I know it’s bizarre. So that doesn’t really give you a big hit. It just makes you go, “This world is very strange.” And it just makes you go, “Well, okay, so now people are looking at you. You have to behave yourself.”

John Murch: No fun in that, is there?

Kylie Auldist: Not at all.

John Murch: This might be a little sad, but I was emotionally affected by the passing of Sharon Jones. Where were you at?

Kylie Auldist: I never got to meet Sharon Jones. No, but a lot of my friends did because she was very much involved in the Melbourne scene.

John Murch: Yeah.

Kylie Auldist: Yeah. And a friend of mine, Miss Goldie was good friends with her, toured with her. Yeah. And of course she opened doors for me. She was one of my heroes obviously because she was like a 50 year old woman, a black woman, who came out of a normal job and started rocking the world. I mean, who does that?

John Murch: Was there a point where her music either changed you or kept you on track?

Kylie Auldist: I think it just created another space for me. Realistically, I don’t think I ever changed what I was doing or who I was. I thought I was the same, but she made people notice me more or make me more relevant, maybe. I don’t know what the word is, but I think people were sort of like, “Oh wow.” So women who are like over 40 can still be in the music industry and they can actually be really cool.

John Murch: What’s the tune what’s getting you going up in the morning? What’s the thing that’s inspiring you? So as a musical artist, what song, band, music is really getting you set on your day, on your way? What are you enjoying? What are you digging?

Kylie Auldist: Wow, that’s interesting. But most of the music that I listen to these days is from my sons. My sons show me new music every day. At the moment, my 23 year old, Reggie, he’s very awesome. Very cool, very connected and understands music. And then he plays me all this amazing stuff and I go, “Who is it again? Who is it again? Who is it again?” He goes, “If you ask me one more time. I’m not saying it again. Gabrielle Goson Montana.”

John Murch: It’s a morbid question. I don’t know if I should ask it.

Kylie Auldist: Oh, no. Just do it. See what happens.

John Murch: Kylie Auldist, thanks very much for your time.

Kylie Auldist: My pleasure.

John Murch: Bit of a morbid one to finish with. Who do you want to sing at your funeral?

Kylie Auldist: Wow. That’s a big one, isn’t it? That’s fair enough because I have to sing at everyone’s funerals and for some reason I manage it and I don’t cry, which is amazing. And I am going to give this job to my son, Reggie.

John Murch: You’re giving it to a drummer.

Kylie Auldist: He’s a beautiful singer as well. He sings and drums.

John Murch: Kylie Auldist. Absolute pleasure. Thanks for your time.

Kylie Auldist: Thank you, John. Lovely to meet you and talk to you.