This statement sets out radionotes podcast’s policies relating to the privacy of your personal information.
These policies are based on national and international privacy standards.
radionotes podcast collects only the information voluntarily supplied by you. The web site only uses cookies or other tools to monitor your navigation through our web site anonymously.
The information voluntarily supplied by you includes contact details to receive further information about Steve Davis, the project(s) I am undertaking with you and any other information you may specify from time to time.
The radionotes podcast web site collects the following information from users:
1. A record of your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes – the user’s IP address, the date and time of the visit to the site, the pages accessed and documents downloaded, the previous site visited and the type of browser used. No attempt will be made to identify individual users or their browsing activities except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect our web server logs. This information is analysed at the end of each week and month to determine the site’s usage statistics.
2. radionotes podcast retains the e-mail address of people who send E-mails through any online forms or via any email addresses published on the site, for the purpose of sending a response. They are stored in a secure area and will not be used for any other purpose nor disclosed to a third party without your consent.
3. People who access the secure areas of the radionotes podcast site by login via a user name and password provided by radionotes podcast are identified by this login procedure and are assumed to be the person whom the login details were originally provided to.
This information is used to secure and monitor access to the web site concept materials and other information and enables radionotes podcast to keep this information secure. The information is stored in a secure area of the radionotes podcast web server.
No personal details are provided to any other individual or organisation, except when permission is given by the person concerned.
This privacy statement is periodically reviewed in line with the ongoing development of the radionotes podcast web site.
Your Privacy
radionotes podcast supports strong, enforceable privacy protection which covers the Federal, State and Local Government and the private sectors.
The text in this privacy statement is an adaptation of a statement provided and authorised by the South Australian Government at